Bayesian Experimental Design


The goal of this post is to introduce the field of Bayesian experimental design. Bayesian experimental design contains popular subfields such as active learning and Bayesian optimization. I try and explan how these two subfields fit into the broader context of experimental design, and introduce notation as well as some important examples.

1 Introduction

The context of experimental design is as follows: We have an unknown (hidden) process that we can sample from. We can think of “sampling from” as evaluating a function at some input points, or running an experiment for some configuration. We get to choose what to feed the black-box function (i.e. how to design the experiment) and this results in data (i.e. outcome of the experiment). We call the space of inputs that we can feed to the function (i.e. the space of configurations of an experiment) the design space, We want to intelligently choose what inputs (designs) to feed the function in order attain some goal. The reason we need to choose intelligently is that each “query” (i.e. evaluation of the function, i.e. experiment) is costly.

Bayesian experimental design is about intelligent probing of an unknown (black-box) function in order to elicit information that is useful for some goal we have in mind (Ivanova (2021)). What that goal is determines a particular sub-field of Bayesian experimental design.

  • Bayesian optimization: sample from the unknown function to optimize that function (Garrett (2023)). Then we have inputs that try and maximize this unknown function and we can elicit responses that we want by feeding the unknown function these inputs. For example, we want to find the hyper-parameters that result in the best validation accuracy. In this scenario, the design space is usually a finite set of inputs.

  • Active learning: sample from the unknown function to learn that function. Then we have learned the unknown function to make predictions with; and if we’ve sampled smartly, we can learn a predictor efficiently. In this scenario, the design space is usually a pool of unlabelled data.

2 Mathematical Notation

While there are numerous ways to denote the aspects of Bayesian experimental design, we use a common one (see Ivanova (2021)).

  • The design of an experiment (i.e. the inputs): \(\delta\)
  • The true underlying (random) process is a distribution over outcomes \(y\) given a design (input) \(\delta\): \(p^{*}(y|\delta)\)
  • Our model of the underlying process: \(p(y, \theta |\delta) = p(y|\theta, \delta)p(\theta)\).

While the modeling itself (e.g. choosing a form for \(p(y|\theta, \delta)\) and \(p(\theta)\)) is an important aspect of Bayesian experimental design, we usually treat them as given once they are chosen, and instead focus on choosing designs \(\delta\) that bring us closer to our goals in the most efficient way possible.

3 Choosing designs (inputs)

There are a few parts to choosing designs \(\delta\) that bring us closer to our goals. The first is sometimes called building a policy (Garrett (2023)).

  • A policy transforms our beliefs (captured in our model) into choosing designs (inputs) in order to bring us closer to our goals.

A common approach to building a policy is to appeal to Bayesian decision theory, where we design a utility function that quantifies how useful a given set of experimental outcomes would be. The model summarizes our beliefs about experimental outcomes (i.e. what is the outcome of \(p(y|\theta, \delta)\) for a design \(\delta\)?), and the policy summarizes our preferences (Garrett (2023)).

To be continued…


Garrett, Roman. 2023. “Bayesian Optimization.”
Ivanova, R. Desi. 2021. “Introduction to Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design.”